• Question: James what is the boringest thing of science

    Asked by anon-204580 to Sally, Lucy, James, David, Dan on 13 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Dan Taylor

      Dan Taylor answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      I think this may have been meant to be just for James, but as its open I might as well throw in my opinion anyway!
      I think the bit that can be a little boring is the paperwork. If i’m preparing for a study i’ve got to select materials, apply for ethics and the like. It’s so important to do, but can be quite mundane. It lets you get to the good bits like interacting with participants and getting the results which is great!

    • Photo: David Chadwick

      David Chadwick answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      The most boring them in my job is marking exam papers

    • Photo: Sally Tilt

      Sally Tilt answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      Sometimes gathering information – either for research or for part of a piece of psychology work, can be a bit boring – particularly if you are doing the same thing over and over again. But it is worth it once you get to see the big picture at the end!

    • Photo: James Munro

      James Munro answered on 14 Mar 2019:

      Hey Callum,

      Cheers for the question :). Science produces a loooooooot of numbers. Numbers that represent how much energy the brain is using, numbers that represent how your participants feel on that day, or how narcisstic they are. Numbers that tell you if your findings are useful or not. Sometimes my job involves spreadsheets that – if you printed them out – you could wrap them around the world.

      Luckily, while this is boring to normal humans – I am a very strange man who loves taking massive lists of numbers and turning them into meaningful things!

    • Photo: Lucy Maddox

      Lucy Maddox answered on 14 Mar 2019:

      Meetings which don’t have a clear point and filling in very very long ethics forms (good to have ethics forms to check that people are not being unethical but the forms are often reeeeeaaaalllllyyyy long).
